Pakistan has one of the best-knitted networks of health care facilities in public sector; and a very large private sector. The public sector facilities mostly, face the problems of underutilization and under functioning along with the technical and allocative inefficiency. This situation has been described in different donor reports and evaluations carried out by the Government of Pakistan. The management of private sector has also been considered inefficient and not very effective. Specific Management tools and techniques, such as strategic management, management by objectives, quality assurance methods, monitoring and evaluation of the health systems outputs and outcomes, and economic appraisal are not practiced in both public and the private sector. One of the primary reasons for all these issues is that most health managers lack expertise in health management. Insufficient management knowledge, inappropriate skills and lack of expertise in management, further undermine their capability to improve the health system. The way forward is the continuous education and training leading to the capacity building of the midlevel health managers and encouraging them to apply their knowledge in their respective settings. On the other hand, there is no well-developed and properly facilitated management training being offered in Pakistan which can fulfil the need of the health managers in public as well as private sector. Diploma in Health and Hospital Management (HHM) is a wonderful opportunity designed to improve the management capacity of health managers in terms of their knowledge, attitude and skills in Pakistan. Diploma in HHM aims to develop professionals in the field of Health Management through a comprehensive post-graduate program. It offers intensive practical training in the operational and administrative areas of a hospital. It equips them with management skills like planning, organizing and decision- making with specific relevance to healthcare industry. Health industry is growing at a fast rate every year. In Pakistan growing occupations are also related to healthcare. Health care is likely to generate new jobs. It is estimated that the demand for health managers is expected to touch over 6000 within next five years in Pakistan. Existing healthcare organizations are expanding their hospitals to add new service areas; and new organizations are entering the domain.


The graduates of the DHHM program will be prepared to:

  • Understand management that encompasses the main aspects of problem-solving typically faced by health managers;
  • Apply certain techniques in the resolution of selected management issues
  • Describe basic methods of quantitative analysis being used by health
  • Demonstrate change management, communication and leadership
  • Define what quality means from the standpoint of the variety of
  • Explain the relationship of effectiveness, efficiency, cost and


After completion of the course, the participants will be able to:

  1. To assume a leadership role in hospital management and will confidently encompasses the main aspects of decision making typically faced by health managers;
  2. To address and manage hospitals with clear knowledge of essential concepts, principles, methods and terms in modern management;
  3. To undertake various basic and advanced methods of hospital
  4. To apply techniques in resolution of different types of management issues Develop plan, implement and evaluate approaches and interventions
  5. Exhibit leadership and managerial skills at various
  6. Demonstrate effective (verbal and written) communication and advocacy skills (creativity and innovation) to diverse audiences.
  7. Adopt a multidisciplinary approach in assessing, researching and responding to public health issues and
  8. Apply human right ethical principles in professional practices in hospital


In order to achieve these core competencies each course has been tailored with its learning objectives which further lead to enrichment of the course content.


NTI Institute of health management was established in 2022 as an in-services training institute under the Ministry of Health, Government of Pakistan. NTI has been striving to provide an academic and professional environment for its student. It offers a very comprehensive, board-based public health curriculum, and dynamic learning experiences with highly qualified and trained faculty.

It is One-Year program comprising of 2 semesters and each semesters’ duration is 6 months.





Course code


Course Title

Credit hours  


Courses for First Semester of HHM


II DHHM507 Principles of Hospital Management 3 150
II DHHM508 Managing Human Resources in Health 3 150
II DHHM509 Principles of Health Care Financing 3 150
II DHHM510 Quality Management in Healthcare Organizations 3 150
II DHHM511 Effective Communication in Health 3 150
II DHHM512 Medical Records & Hospital Inventory Management 3 150
Sub Total for First semester Credit hours/Marks 18 900
Courses for Second Semester of HHM
III DHHM513 Health Project/ Hospital Project 6 300
III On the Job Practicum in Health Organization or Hospital 6 300
Total Credit hours/Marks for Diploma in HHM 30 1500



Hospital System and its Role, Components of a Hospital System & Role of Hospitals in PHC; Vision, Mission, Goals and Values of a Hospital; Role and Functions of Hospital Managers; Hospital Services Management (Nursing Management, Change Management, Infrastructure Management); Inventory Management; Drugs Management in Hospitals; Human Resource Management; Financial Management (Accounting rules and practices in a public & Private Hospital, Hospital Financing for Sustainability, Cost Containment, cost effectiveness and profitability, Costing and Cost implications of Hospital Services); Rapid Appraisal Tool (Introduction and RAP Data collection tools); Preparing a Hospital Budget; Hospital Waste Management and infection control; Accident & Emergency /Trauma Management Services; Human Resource Management; Human Resource Development: current status and future challenges; Infrastructure Management (Hospital Planning and Design, Medical Audit of the

Hospital); Total Quality Management key concepts and Introduction to basic tools; Procurement Processes; (Hospital Purchases, Tendering and Processing); Hospital Ethical Concerns


  1. Sonu Anil K. (2014) Textbook of Hospital Administration, A problem solving approach. Elsevier Publishers
  2. L. Goel, R. Kumar. (2002). Hospital Administration And Management. Deep & Deep Publications
  3. A V (2000) Managing A Modern Hospital. SAGE Publications,
  4. McMahon, , Barton, E., Piot, M., Gelina, N., Rose, F. (1992). On being in charge. Geneva: World Health Organization.
  5. Preker, S., & Harding, A. (2003). Innovations in Health Service Delivery: The Corporatization of Public Hospitals: World Bank.


 Introduction of human resources; Preparing HR plans at organizational level; Workforce planning Tools and Models; Development of work-plans; Use of software and techniques in workforce planning. Introduction to Performance Management; Theories and Processes of managing and mobilizing the health workforce; Management issues (recruitment, retention, staff development, performance issues and the difficult and sensitive skills of handling grievances and negotiations).


  1. Fulton BD, Scheffler RM, Sparkes SP, Auh EY, Vujicic M, Soucat Health workforce skill mix and task shifting in low income countries: a review of recent evidence. (2011)
  2. Models and tools for health workforce planning and (2010) WHO
  3. Task shifting: rational redistribution of tasks among health workforce teams: global recommendations and (2007) WHO
  4. Team roles at Belbin RM, 2012
  5. Improving health worker performance: in search of promising WHO, 2006
  6. Managing health services: Goodwin N, Gruen R, Iles 2005


  1. Buchan J, Ball J, O’May Determining skill mix in the health workforce: guidelines for managers and health professionals. (2000)
  2. Workload indicators of staffing need (WISN): a manual for implementation: (1998). WHO Division of Human Resources Development and Capacity Building Geneva, Switzerland;


Communication and Hospital Management; Introduction of approaches and strategies in health communication with special reference to the patients and health staff; Behaviour change communication; Designing health communication programs; conflict management and resolutions; Awareness campaigns in hospitals;


  1. Korda H, Itani Z. Harnessing Social Media for Health Promotion and Behavior Change. Health Promotion Practice
  2. Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice 4th edition by Karen Glanz, Barbara K. Rimer and Viswanath (Editors), Wiley, 2008.
  3. Aboud FE. Virtual special issue introduction: Health behaviour change. Social Science & Medicine 2010; 71(11):1897-1900.
  4. Babalola S, Fatusi A, Anyanti J. Media saturation, communication exposure and HIV stigma in Social Science & Medicine 2009; 68(8):1513-1520.
  5. Kreps GL, Maibach EW. Transdisciplinary Science: The Nexus Between Communication and Public Journal of Communication 2008; 58(4):732-748.
  6. Noar SM. A 10-Year Retrospective of Research in Health Mass Media Campaigns: Where Do We Go From Here? Journal of Health Communication 2016; 11(1):21-42.


Hospital Planning is the identification and elaboration (within existing resources) of means and methods for providing effective hospital services in the future, effective health care relevant to identified health needs for incoming and potential patients. This course will enable managers in hospital planning for the provision of services, which are, effective efficient and of good quality to ensure their appropriate utilization.


  1. Richard L Miller, Earl S Swenson Hospital and Healthcare Facility Design. W. W. Norton & ISBN-13: 9780393733099
  2. Cynthia McCullough (Editor)Evidence-Based Design for Healthcare Facilities. 2009, SIGMA Theta Tau International, Center for Nursing ISBN-13: 9781930538771
  3. Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospitals and Outpatient Facilities 2014, by Facility Guidelines Institute, American Hospital ISBN-13: 9780872589353


Introduction to health information systems, medical records and IT systems for computerized hospital records. Supply Chain Management and logistics for health commodities; Importance of supply chain management; Supply Chain Ecosystems; Supply Chain Design; Supply Chain Risk Management; Quality assurance in supply chain management


  1. John F. Kros. (2012). Health Care Operations and Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Operations, Planning, and
  2. Eugene S. Schneller Larry R. Smeltzer, Lawton Robert Burns. (2006). Strategic Management of the Health Care Supply Chain 1st Edition


  1. PATH Procurement Capacity Toolkit. Tools and Resources for Procurement of Health Supplies (version 2). Seattle: PATH.
  2. Guidelines for the Storage of Essential Medicines and Other Health 2003. John Snow. Inc. / DELIVER for the U.S. Agency for the International Development
  3. Logistics Handbook: A Practical Guide for the Supply Chain  Management  of Health Second Edition. USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, Task Order 1.
  4. Quantification of Health Commodities: A Guide to Forecasting and Supply Planning for Arlington, Va.: USAID | DELIVER PROJECT Task Order 1.


By completing their project DHHM students are able to demonstrate their understanding of core competencies through successful application of core knowledge and principles, critical thinking and analytic reasoning skills. The student is advised to select a topic for research consistent with his/her professional requirements during the first semester. The proposal formulated has to be critically appraised by the Academic Committee of Health Services Academy and simultaneously the Institutional Research Board (IRB) at end of the 2nd semester which is before the student is allowed to start with the data collection. The committee can suggest changes which will be communicated to the student at the time of critical appraisal. The students will carry out data collection, data analysis, interpretation and presentation of the results leading to conclusions from the study under the dissertation writing guidelines during the third semester. The primary educational objective of the dissertation is to demonstrate appropriate consideration and application of core concepts, skills, and knowledge in analyzing a public health problem within any of the proscribed frameworks. The core area competencies must be addressed in each project. These competency areas cut across the domains identified for each specific framework. For example, quantitative competence may be demonstrated in the literature review and/or methodology section and/or results and/or discussion section of a publication framework. All papers are required to demonstrate minimum competence but are held accountable to a level of competence consistent with the problem and framework as defined by the student.


Public health focuses on monitoring, achieving and improving the health of a population and is practiced in a variety of settings. The public health professional applies knowledge and skill from the core content areas of public health (biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental health, health services management, and social and behavioural sciences) to design, manage and evaluate solutions to public health problems. Using the practicum (on-the-job assignment) as the “organizational laboratory,” the Diploma in Health and Hospital Management (DHHM) student begins to develop necessary skill sets for becoming a successful hospital management professional.The practicum is intended to develop direct understanding and experience in hospitals, thereby exposing the student to organizational cultures, management systems, operations and resources, programs and services and target populations. Such knowledge, skills, abilities, and experiences will continue to develop and grow as each student graduates and becomes a life-long learner and practitioner of public health. The goal of the practicum is to provide a structured and supervised opportunity for the student to apply the theories, principles, knowledge and skills of public health and hospital management, as learned in the classroom, in a practice setting.The practice experience occurs in a carefully selected health services organisation approved by the Program Coordinator and is supervised by HSA faculty and an immediate supervisor/mentor. This takes into account the transition from education to professional practice. At the conclusion the students are required to present their project as a poster presentation


Students will be evaluated during each course on the basis of;

  1. Formative assessment which is a mix of the tests, end of course examination, class and home assignments, class participation, interactive discussions, practical exercises, field works and/or group works, end of course examination, depending on the course outline (ongoing assessment)
  2. Summative assessment based on the end of semester examination Summative assessments are held at end of semesters and comprises of semester examinations paper each.


Health Services Academy abides by its strict merit-based criteria with absolute transparency to select its students for the DHHM program.



The candidate should possess one of the following qualifications or an equivalent degree from a recognized university or accrediting body.

  • MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery)
  • BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery)
  • Pharmacy (Bachelor’s in Pharmacy)/ D. Pharmacy (Doctor of Pharmacy) or M. Pharmacy (Master’s in Pharmacy)
  • BSc Nursing (Bachelor of Sciences in Nursing)
  • DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)
  • Master’s Degree in a relevant subject such as Anthropology, Business Administration, Economics, Human Nutrition, Microbiology, Physiology, Psychology, Public Health Engineering, Sociology, Statistics and Zoology


The candidate should preferably have one years of full-time work experience (in the case of medical doctors, after the house job) in public health-related fields in either the private sector or the public sector, including the armed forces.


There is no Age-limit restrictions for admission in this Program.


NTI INSTITUTE OF HEALTH MANAGEMENT has its own Admissions Committee, comprising of Program Coordinator, the Registrar, a Senior Faculty Member, and one nominated alumnus/alumna. The Admissions Committee has the responsibility for the selection of applicants to be admitted to the Program. It establishes procedures for the timely review of applications to the Program. Deferrals of admission are at the discretion of the Admissions Committee. The selected candidates from the Admissions Committee will be exempted from any test or interview.